Combining great artwork with loads of utility, we have the aspiration to bring value to each holder. Combining great artwork with loads of utility, we have the aspiration to bring value to each holder. Look around to find out how to do it.
The degens realized that anti-blocks with reverse twins appeared every time the blocks were connected to each other.. The people who went on the hunt for anti-blocks wanted to detect the negatively charged blocks with a software called LEAR-567, which consists of 567 fake blocks created entirely for testing.. The discoveries, which seemed exciting at first, caused a series of digital reactions.. The fake blocks were destroyed after merging with the reversed twin blocks.. After a while, these NFTs came together and formed a clan called the Negative Gang, which lives on the block.
The Windjammer Social Club is a collection of 7777 NFTs created by our resident artist and randomly generated from 6 distinct characters.. The Windjammer NFTs are stored as ERC721.. Your Windjammer is your proof of membership in the Windjammer Social Club and your key to membership benefits, countless utility, community sailing adventures, giveaways and much more.. There is a community of cannabis enthusiasts, animal lovers, and believers in NFTs in Asia.. We are working together to make cannabis entrepreneurship better.. We can make a difference for our community and the lives of animals around the world with your contribution.