Space Geese is an NFT project consisting of a series of games that tell the story of a hyper-technologized society of geese in a bleak future.. The most powerful sector of society has decided to build an ark that will save the species from extinction because it has abused its planet to the point that it is on the verge of collapse.. Only 5,555 of them will be able to escape.. Each one will have its own mechanics and design.. The main narrative in the comic is intertwined with the games.. There will be different aircraft, skins, and weapons with which to equip your character in each game.. You can buy equipment in the game with the currency we have.
A founder is an owner of a HydroPlant in the US.. The Hydro Hippos is a green mining project that will provide monthly rewards to its miners.. Living in a state with the cheapest electricity in the nation, and having ownership in a Hydro-electrical plant has given us many connections in the power grid industry that will give us an extremely large edge over other projects in the space.
MindFolk and De Gods are in one project.. There are 3333 hand-drawn DeMinds ready to break this summer.. Our aim is to provide the best experience to our holders using Alpha Calls, Degen Mints, incredibleWL, and more.