The 1st NFT IP Brokerage is being pioneered by The Shell Boyz.. This venture will generate partnership-driven benefits for projects and individuals looking to leverage the value of their NFTs as the next major frontier of utility for NFTs is set to become.
The Beyond Nft collection of 9,977 Kongs is the Kong WFC.. PRIVILEGES that will exceed your expectations are what you will experience when you join the family.
Grant Wood's American Gothic is a painting that depicts the absurdity of the NFT market, a structural absurdity, to put a Gothic-style window in such a flimsy frame house.. The pitchfork and fruit are symbols that are absurd.. The facial expressions on NFT images show the reactions of people when faced with a rug pull.. Pope on the right is a tribute to the poet Alexander Pope, who said, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."