Grant Wood's American Gothic is a painting that depicts the absurdity of the NFT market, a structural absurdity, to put a Gothic-style window in such a flimsy frame house.. The pitchfork and fruit are symbols that are absurd.. The facial expressions on NFT images show the reactions of people when faced with a rug pull.. Pope on the right is a tribute to the poet Alexander Pope, who said, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."
Stephen Strange's career was cut short when his hands were injured.. Seeking a cure to fix his hands that conventional medicine could not provide, Strange embarked on a quest to find the Ancient One, which saw him become a Master of the mystic arts.
MetaVERSE FASHION BRANDHYPERIOR uses the best engines, NFT, Blockchain, and augmented reality, combined with our style and taste expertise, to create fashion sneakers and digital art.