Space Geese is an NFT project consisting of a series of games that tell the story of a hyper-technologized society of geese in a bleak future.. The most powerful sector of society has decided to build an ark that will save the species from extinction because it has abused its planet to the point that it is on the verge of collapse.. Only 5,555 of them will be able to escape.. Each one will have its own mechanics and design.. The main narrative in the comic is intertwined with the games.. There will be different aircraft, skins, and weapons with which to equip your character in each game.. You can buy equipment in the game with the currency we have.
Mutant Musks is a 10,000 NFT collection that is inspired by Elon Musk, with a Metaverse Game in the making that aims for its members to discover a truly new side to the word Metaverse with our Intergalactic Competitive Shooter Experience.. Unreal Engine 5 is the world's best game development platform and the game is being developed by a professional team of game developers.
We're going to make the most astonishing project you've ever seen as we get our working robots together.. Dori is the future for us and we will turn it into a recognizable name and business.. We are "Street Samurais" and we will explore the depths of modern day street samurai lore.. The House of Dori will begin to form and become fluent within the "Street Samurai" clan.. Scalable for all Dori brands.. All marketing materials.. A logo that is representative of the entire Dori Brand is being worked on.. Securing and continuing work on large scale partnerships that will benefit to our community and Brand.. Specific and very unique requirements will be needed so only the top teams are in the running.