Alien football can be used to earn game time.. The pre-seal begins on April 19. I would like to show you the new NFT Alien Football Game project.. It's a project of the play2earn game.. You will earn our token in the game.. The player can play up to 4 matches a day if they want to.. We can offer the chance of staking our NFTs.. From September to September it will be 100%.. There are Gra, token and NFT's on the platform.. Please visit the website for more information.
The Bear Forest is a project that wants to develop an endless runner sub-genre game and an NFT utility for that game.. Our team strives to create a quality game that can attract a huge number of users and fans, so we have hired specialists with more than 8 years of game development experience so we can guarantee that the technical and visual sides of the game will be developed at a high level.. The project will be based on the opinion and wishes of the community and NFT holders will be able to make initiatives to improve it.. The votes will be taken into account in the development of regular game updates.. We will hold in-game contests with large prizes to draw attention to the project.
Living in the 21st Century doesn't make it easy for a witch, especially for the last one of her kind.. Haters are using the internet to attack her and daily life threats aren't helping her desperation.. She has only one way to resolve her fate.. The resurrection of the Skullz Empire will save and help her preserve her species, and it's very affordable.. 10 NFT's will be uploaded for each sale.