The meeting of two humans, one a swimmer and one a diver starts the story of my conception.. They met at a pool. I can't remember how I came to believe I was a marine.. Either they told me or they imagined it.. I loved the sea, lakes, rivers and swimming and it was what I believed.. We spend all day in the ocean or pool.. I asked if you could see my tail, as I continued to experience life and grow into adulthood. I realized I conjured this fantasy to escape my brokenhearted feelings of abandonment and loss.. I was 4 years old when I realized that she wasn't coming back.. When I was 4 years old, I became a sea creature.. The first chapter of my journey is underwater with other people who are searching, I found peace in the water and waves, I was always safe.. People are swimming in the water looking for love.. The other Mer people feel the water around them and remember being pregnant.
It will be officially launched on October 30.. The Spatial Metaverse Gallery is where the event will take place.. You will be able to meet the team, learn more about the project, as well as compete for multiple prizes, including your own Legendary Beauty.. The portraits in this collection are meant to provide a glimpse into the lives of the famous women.
Big Skull Biker Gang has a collection of 6,666 NFTs with Big Skulls, a bigger engine, and a long road to the Metaverse.. We are on a journey to build a global community that is into cool art, web3 and who want to network with like- minded individuals.. Biker NFTs acts as your membership token to the various member-only benefits, including a holder exclusive social networking mobile app.