The creators of the weapons program are shrouded in mystery.. An organization made up of some of the world's most elite and wealthy individuals with no loyalties to anyone.. They are devoted to pushing the boundaries of ethics, morality, and physiology by putting their test subjects through heinous experiments that strain them mentally and physically, and bring them to a breaking point.. All of that to see what happens at the end of the game.. Shoot your opponents down and be the last freak standing.. Everyone will start with a pistol, but every few seconds an airdrop will happen giving anyone a huge boost in firepower.
There is an exclusive collection of Egyptian Gods that is ruled by another unique collection of Egyptian Pharaohs. The ancient Egyptian land pieces are claimed to be Pharaohs's control.. The owners of NFTs combined from each collection are rewarded with a utility token.. The exclusive perks and rewards of the NFT are available to the owners.