Project Details 📝
Presale Date:
Mint Date:
January 18, 2023
Description 📋
The Metadata Service is the first thing you need to create a Web3 identity.. You can add any text to the NFT description section.. The image, description, and trait of an NFT are called Metadata.. We are the first platform to offer editing services for non-editable data.. It is not possible to edited after registration.. Character limited is not limited.. The name section only allows english alphabet, numbers and the - and _ symbols.. The image appears inside the frame.. Two frames can be selected.. Social media links are allowed.. You can use the link to your social media or website.. If you want to rent out your NFT, we suggest using these traits.. The registration price won't change in the future.. When you rent an NFT, you can change the following information.. Social media links are allowed.. It's possible to modify the size and color of the fonts.. You can direct the link to your social media or website.
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