The number 3333 holds significance in the realm of Cyclopsia.. According to legend, the first Cyclo was created by the Cyclopses as a mess.. The first Cyclo split into three different entities, each representing a different aspect of its mischievous nature. The Cyclo's were created by these three entities and each of them had their own quirks.. They did not care who they hurt in the process ofwreaking havoc.. They were able to use their powers to cause more chaos.. They remained a constant source of destruction, reveling in the opportunity to cause havoc wherever they went. The number 3333 has become an important symbol for the Cyclo's, representing their role as guardians of chaos.. As long as there are 3333 Cyclo's, the balance of chaos in the world will be maintained, and the Cyclo's will spread joy wherever they go.
The game is based on the action and imagination with a unique art style and mysterious sci-fi elements.. There are many ways to get around, like jumping across planetoids with your own gravity.. Players can break past the boundaries of normal play.