The Yokai family has ruled for a long time.. They held their heads high and ruled their land with magic.. The egoism that followed led to darkness and corruption.
10,000 prisoners are on the criptocurrency.. Support the creation of a unique online quest game based on jailbreak.. You will get a premium in the game if you have a NFT.
Generative Art by AndrBel is the second collection of generative art in math formulas and code.. There is a lot of different patterns and colors.. In his collection, the artist AndrBel conveys these memories and supplements the ornaments with his artistic thoughts by programming it in a code through which you can get a unique pattern with a color solution and an ornament. You will be presented with a series of works of generative art in collections that combine the space of thinking-vision of the artist AndrBel, connected in programming code and embodied in unique final works that display color schemes of the conceived idea-theme and lines-geometry of movement.. The general name of my collections of Gerative Art will be "Gen GiMo Pu".. "AndrBel studio" gallery is located in Milan-Tokyo-New York.