Eternal Vikings is a collection of Vikings created by the studios that created DOTA2, Harry-Potter, Avenger and X-men.. Eternal Vikings' goal is to educate the community about virtual real estate, use the project funds to raid as many lands as possible, and monetize them via 6 smart contracts that allow land rental and advertising.. Each Viking will get full access to the project's lands, regardless of plot price action or market trends, if they have their holder's $GOLD token.
BongHeads is a cannabis startup company with a profit share related to our company and products.. BongHeads, evolving to CyberBongs, is using the $BONG token to build a vast ecosystem.. BongHeads will be opening dispensaries in Canada and the US, as well as creating and selling products in the eccomerce store.. We manufacture, distribute and supply the relevant parties with our own cannabinoids.