Grant Wood's American Gothic is a painting that depicts the absurdity of the NFT market, a structural absurdity, to put a Gothic-style window in such a flimsy frame house.. The pitchfork and fruit are symbols that are absurd.. The facial expressions on NFT images show the reactions of people when faced with a rug pull.. Pope on the right is a tribute to the poet Alexander Pope, who said, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."
SF.SolFund is a holder-driven organization consisting of 999 NFTs that earn SOL based on multiple revenue streams and grant access to in-demand whitelist raffles with the help of the Whitelist Bounty System.. After mint, the SF team will establish initial streams of revenue, but after that, all major decisions will be voted on by holders.
By the date the contract was created, you can see that this is the first collection of USA pixel punks.. We are the first punks of the USA and we have a free mint on the OpenSea marketplace.. The name of the professional graphic designer who created all of our NFTs is kept secret.. We are making drops.. There will be auctions for rare NFTs.. We think that a flexible marketing tactic will keep interest in our collection.. Mint, sell and buy - let's make this collection popular together!Second drop - 111 Females.