This is to help mobilize humanity.. Our v1 Genesis collection is all black and white.. All the art pieces were inspired by fashion, culture, and individuality.. Over the last 11 months, our artist has created a collection that has taken 1600 hundred hours to complete.. The levels of normality were surpassed by a minimalistic approach.. With excellence remains our standard.Fashion/Lifestyle, Goals, Utility: Each 1/1 has specific digital clothing and accessories that hints towards getting access to our irl fashion show event.. There are physical products that can be redeemed for weekly giveaways and irl prizes.. Collaborations with fashion and lifestyle brands, as well as boutiques and various sponsors, to expand revenue and intellectual property.. We need to leave behind a legacy and stamp our brand into the verse.. Differentiation Valuing. Stand out from the crowd and innovate a new wave by moving in directions that are different from the crowd.. A community of like minded individuals.. Tailoring a high-end user experience. By giving back to the community on a regular basis, relevancy is increased.. We are building up our brand and reputation by donating some of the proceeds to a nonprofit.. From a successful mint, we will have the funds to help hundreds of people around the world.. We changed the lives of many people.. We can help mobilize humanity together.
We are an exclusive NFT club with a passion for theBlockchain and WEB3.As a club, we are interested in your growth and the relationships you can build within it.. For that reason, we want to incorporate a lifestyle of amazing fashion, parties, adventures, and unconventional things into all our members.
There is more to Book DAO than just a collection of NFT.. There is a community of people who believe in the digital currency.. Those who devoted their lives to learning and building.. The main goal of the DAO is to spread knowledge.. We will teach you how to do your own research instead of telling you how to buy shitcoin X.